Community Venue St Ive Institute

St Ive Institute and Village Hall

St Ive Institute is available for hire at £3.50 per hour. This includes the use of the kitchen and electric (excluding wall heaters which operate on a £1 coin meter). Contact Sue Sedgewick 01579 383291.

Events are advertised in the Parish Pump and current regular events are;

  • Art and Craft Group – Tuesday 1 to 5pm – Contact Jackie 01579 362216
  • Coffee Morning – Wednesday 10:30 to 12:00
  • Gardening Club – Ist Monday monthly 7.30pm – Contact 01579 382762
  • Post Office – Wednesday 10:30 to 11:30
  • St Ive Singing Group – Thursday 4 to 5.30pm – Contact Clare 01579 382341
  • St Ive Snooker Club – Monday & Thursday 7pm – Contact R Bunkum 01579 382315