Vacancy for the position of Councilor in the Pensilva Ward

A casual vacancy currently exists for a councillor in the Pensilva Ward.

If you are interested in serving the community in this capacity and would like further information about the duties and responsibilities of a Parish Councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Applications for this position should be in writing or by email and sent to the Parish Clerk at the address below.  

The council hopes to fill this vacancy at their meeting on the 12th September 2022


Jenny Hoskin

Parish Clerk

St Ive Parish Council

Millenium House

Princess Road



PL14 5NF


Telephone:  01579 363096

Vacancy for the position of Councillor in the Pensilva Ward

A casual vacancy currently exists for a councillor in the Pensilva Ward.
If you are interested in serving the community in this capacity and would like
further information about the duties and responsibilities of a Parish Councillor,
please contact the Parish Clerk.

Applications for this position should be in writing or by email and sent to the
Parish Clerk before the 11 th May 2018

Jenny Hoskin
Parish Clerk
St Ive Parish Council
Millenium House
Princess Road
PL14 5NF

Telephone: 01579 363096

Parish Council Statement 21-Dec-2016

I am sure you will have heard that at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the parish council on the 28th November, it was decided not to proceed with the transfer of Millennium House to the Pensilva Community Association. I know that those who supported the proposed transfer and gave their time to putting some of preliminary arrangements in place will be disappointed by this decision.

Prior to the EGM the parish council sought a legal opinion on the proposed transfer and the subsequent payment of a substantial amount of the parish tax precept to PCA to assist with running Millennium House. The legal opinion was that without certain preconditions having been met, the lease to PCA and the offer of money was extremely likely to be unlawful. In order to demonstrate that the council had obtained good value for money and met the requirement of its own standing orders, it was believed that the parish council should undertake a valuation and public marketing exercise. In effect this would involve inviting tenders from other bidders, this would be both expensive and offer no guarantee that other bidders would have the same community interests as PCA. Moreover, it seems very unlikely that this formal process could be completed before the election of a new parish council in May 2017.

The parish council believed it would be unwise to enter into an expensive tendering exercise that could extend beyond the life of the present council. In the meantime the income of Millennium House had shown some improvement and hopefully this would continue. The parish council with the help of staff and volunteers will now continue to manage Millennium House and work to improve its financial position. In May a new parish council must be elected, at that time and if they so wish parishioners will have an opportunity to elect a new council with a mandate to pursue a different course of action. We would urge all those who have an interest in the future of Millennium House to consider standing for election in May.


St Ive Parish Council

21st December 2016

Resignation of St Ive Parish Councillors

After the EGM of 28th November 2016 from which three Parish Councillors left precipitately, Parish Councillors Peter Dipper, Peter Haimes, Ivor Vaughan and Ruth Wilson have resigned from St Ive Parish Council and Cllr Corney has stepped down from the position of Chair. Because there is less than six months to the next election it is not possible to recruit replacement councillors. This leaves only five councillors where there should be thirteen.

Election of a Parish Councillor

Notice of Election

Election of a Parish Councillor for St Ive Parish Council – Pensilva Ward

 Notice is hereby given that:


An election is to be held of ONE Councillor for the said Parish Ward.


Nomination papers may be obtained from the Deputy Returning Officer at Cornwall Council, St Austell OneStop-Shop, Council Offices, Penwinnick Road, St Austell PL25 5DR (01209 614298), during normal office hours, who, upon request, will prepare for signature a nomination paper.


Nomination papers can only be submitted in person on any day after the date of this notice, but not later than 4 pm on Thursday 7 April 2016  to the following locations on the specified dates and times:-

31 March, 4, 5, 6 and 7 April to the Deputy Returning Officer, Room 11, Cornwall Council, St Austell OneStop-Shop, Council Offices, 39 Penwinnick Road, St Austell PL25 5DR between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm

1 April to the Deputy Returning Officer, Cornwall Council, Luxstowe House, Liskeard PL14 3DZ between the hours of 9.00 am – 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm


If the election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday 5 May 2016.


Applications to vote by post or to vary or cancel existing postal or proxy voting arrangements must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5.00pm on Tuesday 19 April 2016 if they are to be effective for this election.

Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5.00pm on Tuesday 26 April 2016, except in cases where unforeseen illness, incapacity, occupation, service or employment occurs after that time, in which case applications may be received by no later 5.00pm on Thursday 5 May 2016.

All applications and notices regarding absent voting must reach the Electoral Registration Officer, Room 8, Cornwall Council, St Austell One-Stop-Shop, Penwinnick Road, St Austell PL25 5DR.

Kate Kennally, Returning Officer – 30 March 2016

Cornwall Council, St Austell One-Stop-Shop, Penwinnick Road, St Austell PL25 5DR